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Would you rather have more time or more money?

We know the answer...

We believe that as a beautypreneur, you do not have to choose between free time and a higher income. Why does it always have to be time *or* money when you can have both?

While working with salon owners, we discovered that...

Beauticians are used to doing more work than they actually get paid for.

As a beautician, your workdays do not only consist of providing beauty services. In fact, you have dozens of different tasks on a daily basis, all of which require your attention.

For example: answering clients' calls and discussing open slots. Rescheduling bookings and communicating them to clients. Billing and accounting. Ordering beauty products and tracking inventory. Managing social media and replying to messages. Sending booking reminders and "chasing" no-shows. Searching for new clients and growing the salon. And probably dozens of other time-consuming tasks you are now doing so automatically that you can't even put a finger on them.

But what these tasks have in common is that they take a ton of valuable time from you. But you won't earn more for these tasks!

On the other hand, we believe that...

The profession of beautician does not necessarily have to mean that you need to stay for over hours at a beauty salon or deal with work stuff at home, which, unfortunately, has become a reality for most beautypreneurs. In fact, it's not your job to worry about sales numbers or marketing messages or to communicate with clients at the expense of family time or sleep hours just to have enough bookings in your calendar.

Your goal and passion are to provide beauty services. That's why you started working in the beauty industry, and that's where 100% of your focus should go. Other tasks should be delegated or automated.

That's why, together with beauticians, we created SalonLife...

A convenient salon software that takes time-consuming "little tasks" and finding clients (and thus earning a higher income) upon its shoulders so that you can focus on your favorite activities. So, coming back to the initial question of whether to choose time or money, the answer is actually simple. Whether you are just starting out as a beautician who wants to grow their customer base or an experienced beautypreneur looking for more free time, SalonLife will help you with both. Give up the dilemma of "time or money?" and start the journey towards more time and money with SalonLife, because SalonLife will replace your tedious little tasks with more clients and more revenue!

Try for free

How is SalonLife different?

Over the years, we have developed our own approach, DNA, and character at SalonLife, in which we do not make compromises and what sets us apart from others. In short, that's why beauticians choose SalonLife.

Software designed solely for beauticians and salons.

How much do bowling, car wash, gym, and beauty salon have in common? In our opinion, nothing. However, for some reason, most booking systems try to offer a "one-size-fits-all" solution when in reality, 99% of users do not need unnecessary additional features. They are confusing and difficult to use.

SalonLife, on the other hand, is wholly designed with the daily work of beauticians and salons in mind. This way, you can be sure that everything you need for a successful workday is in one place. Every feature is thought out in detail, based on feedback from thousands of beauticians, their valuable experiences, and ideas.

As beauticians have said—
the "comfiest" booking system.

While we've included all the features and benefits you need for a successful workday in SalonLife software, we haven't forgotten the user experience, where we don't compromise. Our standard is world-class comfort, speed, and simplicity.

The ease of use is also something that beauticians have highlighted in their feedback. SalonLife is super comfy both for the service providers and the salon customers.

The only salon software that will help you find more clients and earn more money.

In addition to helping beauticians save multiple hours of working time every week, our goal is to help you get new regulars to your salon and earn more money.

We give you access to in-depth sales and marketing materials, where we share the best tips, experiences, and knowledge we have learned working with thousands of beauty salons worldwide.

And most importantly, the SalonLife Connect platform gives you a chance to be in front of hundreds of thousands of clients looking for beauty services, which makes finding new regulars a breeze.

SalonLife is not just a "vitamin." SalonLife is an "ibuprofen" for all headaches and woes in your salon.

SalonLife is not just a prophylactical vitamin to take while hoping you will start to feel better from it eventually. It's actually another way around— SalonLife is like a fast-acting ibuprofen that tackles the headaches and worries of your salon work, helping you get rid of tedious work duties so you can finally focus on things that truly spark a light in you.

The Story of SalonLife: Why did we decide to create software only for salons and beauticians?

Ten years ago today, we started looking for a booking software for a personal beauty salon. A software that would be visually appealing, convenient to use, and have versatile functionality.

Sadly, our "hunt" was not successful as none of the software offered on the market at that time met our expectations. Most booking systems were trying to be perfect fits for everybody, from car wash businesses to fitness clubs, from beauty salons to dentists.

Unfortunately, this meant that the systems were made jarringly complicated for us as beauticians and lacked some necessary features, not to mention the aesthetic side, which was not good enough for the beauty world.

That's why we put our heads together with beauticians, brainstormed, shared experiences and mapped out needs to create a salon calendar and booking system specifically for beauticians and salons. A system where every feature and convenience has been thought out in detail and built into the platform with the beauty professional's day-to-day work in mind.

We have to admit that creating SalonLife has been a much bigger and more complex undertaking than we ever imagined.

However, seeing how fast SalonLife has grown and how many beauty professionals have needed this kind of software gives us new momentum and motivation every day to continue to hone SalonLife and help beauty professionals for decades to come!

SalonLife logo image

Eager to see how efficient your salon work could be with SalonLife?

Create a SalonLife account and use it for FREE for 14 days without any future obligation. But be warned—you might fall in love with it!

Let's give it a try!


Stella-Amelia Nõmmik

Stella-Amelia Nõmmik

Stella-Amelia PMU Studio

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Great! :)

Adriana Mänd

Adriana Mänd

Bombshell by Adriana Cosmetics

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SalonLife has made booking appointments very much easier and faster for customers!

Diana Tali

Diana Tali

Dwin beauty

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It's amazing that customers can book appointments 24/7 – whenever they want!:)

Katrin Voiter

Katrin Voiter

Katrin Voiter Hair

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I'm very content! A great helper for me and my clients on a daily basis!:)

Elerin Liiva

Elerin Liiva


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Every feature is very useful, and some updates and features are so good that I wouldn't have come up with them myself. My job is much easier thanks to the help of SalonLife!

Krõõt Kukk

Krõõt Kukk

Hairdresser Krõõt

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I love the commitment of SalonLife's customer support when responding to me. The app's user-friendliness for the salon customer is at a high level. Great for me too! It still needs a couple of minor improvements that I've already shared with the team. You're moving in the right direction!

Edvin Bürkland

Edvin Bürkland

Barger Shop

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Great! :)

Adriana Mänd

Adriana Mänd

Adriana Cosmetics

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Great! Customers like it, and so do I. Fast and easy!

Eiliky Uuemäe

Eiliky Uuemäe

Salon K

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Very good and easy-to-use booking system. No-shows are longer a case—if necessary, they can simply cancel or change the time themselves.

Lisell Jäätma

Lisell Jäätma

LJ beauty

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I'm very satisfied with the SalonLife booking software. Every necessary feature a beauty pro would ever need is there. The system even calculates the monthly salary—this tedious task was once upon my shoulders, but now it's just a few clicks away. Super, everyone likes it!

Keveli Helistvee

Keveli Helistvee

Make-Up Artist Keveli

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Very good emotions! 🤩 SalonLife's online booking system is super convenient for my clients and me. I could no longer imagine carrying a notebook with me, so I could mark down my bookings🙈 Also, customers like to have a reminder in advance! I'm happy 🤩 You guys are acing it! 🥳

Jeanne Adul

Jeanne Adul

Lash by Jeanne

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Super convenient booking system! As a beauty pro, I am pleased that the "notebook" is always with me on the phone. Client data is also instantly available for any occasion.

My clients are very satisfied that they can quickly book their appointments and change/cancel if necessary! They are especially pleased with reminder SMS!

Käthliin Käba

Käthliin Käba

Mirella Beauty salong

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I'm very happy with SalonLife because my life has become much easier. I no longer have to sit in front of a notebook, check for available times, and come up with explanations for clients on why I can't take their appointment at the time that they're insisting for.

Clients are also satisfied with the booking software because they can pick the time they want, whenever and wherever they are, even at night.

Viivika Kasemaa

Viivika Kasemaa

Viivika Beauty Services

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SalonLife is very easy to use. It's a big help with clients and their appointments. And clients love reminders they get and the easy flow of the online booking process.


Pille Viik

Pille Viik


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SalonLife is like a pocket notebook. I was once a firm believer in a regular paper notebook; I was skeptical of the online booking system, but SalonLife has noticeably simplified the life of my clients and myself. The long texting game with clients is history, and the reminders to clients are a great bonus.

Laura Laanemets

Laura Laanemets

LL Lash Lounge

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Very good and innovative booking system! It's awesome that you can set it up exactly the way you want it to be.

It's also easy to use for clients. A lot of convenient features. We really like it!

NoPe Barbershop

NoPe Barbershop

NoPe Barbershop

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👋 Hey, I'm sincerely glad I found you! You really take care of us 🥰 I don't have experience with other salon software, but I really like the fact that you are always there to support us 🙏 It's still early days for us and getting to know SalonLife inside out, but we're loving it so far! 😃 Thank you very much; you are awesome 👌

Kädy Reinhold

Kädy Reinhold

Kädy Stuudio

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Getting the SalonLife booking system has been one of the best decisions. For me, this means an insane saving of time because I no longer need to find time slots over the phone, book and cancel appointments, deal with invoices, track statistics, etc. SalonLife has everything in one place, but most importantly—clients love it!

Irene Salumets

Irene Salumets

Siren Salon

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I am very satisfied with SalonLife's salon software, and after introducing it to my salon, I can offer customers an even more professional service. The calendar is easy and convenient to use, and the software is constantly being updated with handy and logical add-ons. Customer support is also fast and practical!

Pille Vint

Pille Vint

Dermaplan Beauty Studio

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Total: 193 reviews

Awesome to see that you decided to read more about us!

But it would be even more awesome if we could also welcome you to our big SalonLife family 😉

So feel free to book a SalonLife demo, and let's have a look together if and how we can make your salon work easier too!

Try SalonLife for free