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Smart Automatic Notifications

SalonLife ensures that clients always arrive on time. Whether it's a booking confirmation, reminder, thank you message, or birthday greeting – customize all the emails and SalonLife will send them to your clients at the right time!


The right message. To the right client. At the right time.

With SalonLife's smart email and SMS notifications for both clients and staff, you can be sure that no news goes unnoticed.

With a total of 7 different notifications for clients and 2 for staff, information reaches the right people as quickly as possible, whether it's a new booking notification for a staff member or a last-minute SMS reminder for a client about their upcoming appointment.


Personalized notifications for every client

SalonLife's automatic notifications are fully customizable, giving you the ability to edit and personalize the content of every email and SMS to match your style. This means each salon can decide which notifications to send, when to send them, and what the exact text of the messages should be.

SalonLife's smart fields add a personal touch to every message, automatically replacing client names, booked services, time, and costs with the correct booking details. This ensures that every message sent is precisely accurate and personally directed, making communication smooth and professional.


6 Key Automatic Messages

SalonLife offers 6 key automatic messages that improve communication and increase client satisfaction.

Confirmation messages are sent immediately after booking, ensuring clients have all necessary details on hand.

Reminder messages help clients not forget their appointment, sending them a message before the meeting.

Thank you messages express gratitude after the visit, encouraging feedback or a new booking.

Win-back messages are especially important as they remind clients who haven't visited the salon for a long time. This helps turn new visitors into regular clients by offering special deals and reminders of why they should return.

Additionally, birthday and pre-birthday messages can include special offers and create positive emotions, helping to strengthen client loyalty.


Notifications for staff

SalonLife also ensures that staff are well-informed by sending them automatic notifications for new bookings made via the online booking page, cancellations of previous bookings, or when a colleague or salon administrator adds a new booking to their calendar.

The automatic notification system ensures that staff never miss important changes, helping them to plan their work time even more effectively.

The ability to write and design emails and SMS exactly the way you want.

Confirmation message – ensuring that the client has all the necessary information about their newly created booking.

Reminder message – ensuring that the client remembers to come to you on time.

Thank you message – an opportunity to thank your clients for their visit and direct them to leave feedback or make a new booking.

Win-back message – reminding and enticing clients who haven't booked for a long time to return to the salon.

Pre-birthday message – informing the client about sweet birthday week discounts.

Birthday message – remembering the client on their birthday and inviting them to take advantage of birthday discounts.

An automatic notification is also sent to the beautician in case of a new booking or cancellation made via the online booking page.

SalonLife is not a "vitamin". SalonLife is the "ibuprofen" for all your salon headaches and worries.

SalonLife is not just a vitamin to take prophylactically and hope that it will suddenly get better in the long run. On the contrary, SalonLife is like a fast-acting ibuprofen for the headaches and worries of your salon job, freeing you from the stress of the workload and allowing you to concentrate on what you really enjoy - providing beauty services.

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