job offer
DOG 911:
“What's your emergency?”
"My ball is under the couch"
DOG 911:
"You've tried barking at it?"
"Yes, it didn't work"
DOG 911:
Fortunately, SalonLife does not have to deal with such complex situations.
Meie klientidel on peamised küsimused hoopis:
“Kuidas töögraafikut luua?”
“Mis lehelt ma oma statistikat näen?”
“Kuidas ma uusi töötajaid saaksin lisada?”
“Kuidas ma meeldetuletuskirjad saaksin aktiveerida?”
“Millise paketi ma peaksin valima ja palju see maksab?”
Mõni neist soovib vastuseid ja abi kirja teel.
Mõni neist soovib vastuseid ja abi telefoni teel.
Mõni neist soovib vastuseid ja abi videokõne teel.
Ja mõni isegi veel ei tea, et ta abi vajab, aga nutika SalonLife’i spetsialistina võtad Sa temaga ise ettenägelikult ühendust ning suunad ta SalonLife’i kontot looma ja mõne hetkega üles seadistama.
Kas tunned, et saaksid nende ülesannetega hakkama?
Kui jah, siis oled oodatud liituma Eesti populaarseima ilusalongi platvormi SalonLife’ga!
SalonLife on Eesti populaarseim ilusalongide broneerimissüsteem, mis aitab ilutegijatel säästa oma aega, suurendada sissetulekut ning muuta salongitöö professionaalsemaks ja mugavamaks. Ühtlasi leiavad platvormi kaudu ilutegijad endale uusi kliente ja salongide kliendid usaldusväärseid ilusalonge, mida külastada.
Ärkad rõõmsalt oma kellaajal (jee!)
Saad ise otsustada, kas eelistad sel päeval töötada kodukontorist või meie hubases kontoris Tallinna kesklinnas (jee 2x!)
Saad ise oma töögraafikut korraldada, s.t tööpäeva jooksul korraks trennis käimine või lastele kooli järeleminek on igati OK! (kuna tegu on täiskohaga positsiooniga, siis tasub ikkagi jälgida, et oled tööpäeva jooksul maksimaalselt nii olemasolevate kui uute klientide jaoks olemas)
Pole paha, eks? Loe edasi, sest kohe läheb veel paremaks👇
Vestled ägedate ettevõtjate ehk ilusalongi omanike ja iluteenindajatega ning püüad leida viise, kuidas nende salongitööd paremaks, kasumlikumaks ja mugavamaks muuta.
Vastad päeva jooksul jooksvalt klientide tekkinud küsimustele.
Tegeled SalonLife’i klientide tellimuste täitmisega (nt kui keegi ostab meilt e-poe kaudu Ilukaardi kinkekaardi, siis oleks selle tellimuse täitmine ja pakiautomaati viimine üks pisike osa sinu tööst).
Oled klientidele nende SalonLife’i kasutamise teekonnal igakülgselt toeks, otsides ja jagades nendega nutikaid viise ja soovitusi, kuidas salongide kontosid ja profiile veelgi paremaks muuta.
Lepid huvilistega telefoni teel (video)kohtumiste aegu kokku ja ühtlasi viid neid demosid ka läbi, mille käigus õpetad ilutegijaid SalonLife’i kasutama, valmis seadistama ja sellest maksimumi võtma (ei eelda IT-alaseid teadmisi Sinult ega ilutegijalt!).
Pärast järjekordset edukat tööpäeva patsutad endale õlale, ütled “Tubli töö!” ning lähed pere ja sõpradega Noblessnerisse, kinno või aiapeole õhtut nautima.
Sellises mõnusas töörütmis tegutsedes teenid kuu lõpuks enda pangakontole tänutäheks 2000 € (bruto).
Täida samal lehel kandideerimisvorm (1 min).
Kui tahad eriti silma paista, siis saada meile lisaks endast lühivideo aadressile, kus tutvustad mõnda oma lemmikhobi.
Lühike koduülesanne: kliendi kirjale vastamine (15 min).
Videointervjuu SalonLife’i värbajaga (me kindlasti hammustame, aga kuna intervjuu on videokõne teel, siis ei pea muretsema).
Jess! Esimene tööpäev! 🎉
Kandideerimiseks täida ära see vorm
Great! :)
SalonLife has made booking appointments very much easier and faster for customers!
It's amazing that customers can book appointments 24/7 – whenever they want!:)
I'm very content! A great helper for me and my clients on a daily basis!:)
Every feature is very useful, and some updates and features are so good that I wouldn't have come up with them myself. My job is much easier thanks to the help of SalonLife!
I love the commitment of SalonLife's customer support when responding to me. The app's user-friendliness for the salon customer is at a high level. Great for me too! It still needs a couple of minor improvements that I've already shared with the team. You're moving in the right direction!
Great! :)
Great! Customers like it, and so do I. Fast and easy!
Very good and easy-to-use booking system. No-shows are longer a case—if necessary, they can simply cancel or change the time themselves.
I'm very satisfied with the SalonLife booking software. Every necessary feature a beauty pro would ever need is there. The system even calculates the monthly salary—this tedious task was once upon my shoulders, but now it's just a few clicks away. Super, everyone likes it!
Very good emotions! 🤩 SalonLife's online booking system is super convenient for my clients and me. I could no longer imagine carrying a notebook with me, so I could mark down my bookings🙈 Also, customers like to have a reminder in advance! I'm happy 🤩 You guys are acing it! 🥳
Super convenient booking system! As a beauty pro, I am pleased that the "notebook" is always with me on the phone. Client data is also instantly available for any occasion.
My clients are very satisfied that they can quickly book their appointments and change/cancel if necessary! They are especially pleased with reminder SMS!
I'm very happy with SalonLife because my life has become much easier. I no longer have to sit in front of a notebook, check for available times, and come up with explanations for clients on why I can't take their appointment at the time that they're insisting for.
Clients are also satisfied with the booking software because they can pick the time they want, whenever and wherever they are, even at night.
SalonLife is very easy to use. It's a big help with clients and their appointments. And clients love reminders they get and the easy flow of the online booking process.
SalonLife is like a pocket notebook. I was once a firm believer in a regular paper notebook; I was skeptical of the online booking system, but SalonLife has noticeably simplified the life of my clients and myself. The long texting game with clients is history, and the reminders to clients are a great bonus.
Very good and innovative booking system! It's awesome that you can set it up exactly the way you want it to be.
It's also easy to use for clients. A lot of convenient features. We really like it!
👋 Hey, I'm sincerely glad I found you! You really take care of us 🥰 I don't have experience with other salon software, but I really like the fact that you are always there to support us 🙏 It's still early days for us and getting to know SalonLife inside out, but we're loving it so far! 😃 Thank you very much; you are awesome 👌
Getting the SalonLife booking system has been one of the best decisions. For me, this means an insane saving of time because I no longer need to find time slots over the phone, book and cancel appointments, deal with invoices, track statistics, etc. SalonLife has everything in one place, but most importantly—clients love it!
I am very satisfied with SalonLife's salon software, and after introducing it to my salon, I can offer customers an even more professional service. The calendar is easy and convenient to use, and the software is constantly being updated with handy and logical add-ons. Customer support is also fast and practical!
Kokku 173 arvustust