job offer

Customer relations and sales specialist

DOG 911: 

“What's your emergency?”


"My ball is under the couch"

DOG 911:

 "You've tried barking at it?"


"Yes, it didn't work"

DOG 911:




Fortunately, SalonLife does not have to deal with such complex situations.

Meie klientidel on peamised küsimused hoopis:

“Kuidas töögraafikut luua?”

“Mis lehelt ma oma statistikat näen?”

“Kuidas ma uusi töötajaid saaksin lisada?”

“Kuidas ma meeldetuletuskirjad saaksin aktiveerida?”

“Millise paketi ma peaksin valima ja palju see maksab?”

Mõni neist soovib vastuseid ja abi kirja teel.
Mõni neist soovib vastuseid ja abi telefoni teel.
Mõni neist soovib vastuseid ja abi videokõne teel.

Ja mõni isegi veel ei tea, et ta abi vajab, aga nutika SalonLife’i spetsialistina võtad Sa temaga ise ettenägelikult ühendust ning suunad ta SalonLife’i kontot looma ja mõne hetkega üles seadistama.

Kas tunned, et saaksid nende ülesannetega hakkama?

Kui jah, siis oled oodatud liituma Eesti populaarseima ilusalongi platvormi SalonLife’ga!

Kahe lausega SalonLife’st

SalonLife on Eesti populaarseim ilusalongide broneerimissüsteem, mis aitab ilutegijatel säästa oma aega, suurendada sissetulekut ning muuta salongitöö professionaalsemaks ja mugavamaks. Ühtlasi leiavad platvormi kaudu ilutegijad endale uusi kliente ja salongide kliendid usaldusväärseid ilusalonge, mida külastada.

Sinu äge tööpäev kliendisuhete- ja müügispetsialistina:

Ärkad rõõmsalt oma kellaajal (jee!)

Saad ise otsustada, kas eelistad sel päeval töötada kodukontorist või meie hubases kontoris Tallinna kesklinnas (jee 2x!)

Saad ise oma töögraafikut korraldada, s.t tööpäeva jooksul korraks trennis käimine või lastele kooli järeleminek on igati OK! (kuna tegu on täiskohaga positsiooniga, siis tasub ikkagi jälgida, et oled tööpäeva jooksul maksimaalselt nii olemasolevate kui uute klientide jaoks olemas)

Pole paha, eks? Loe edasi, sest kohe läheb veel paremaks👇

Vestled ägedate ettevõtjate ehk ilusalongi omanike ja iluteenindajatega ning püüad leida viise, kuidas nende salongitööd paremaks, kasumlikumaks ja mugavamaks muuta.

Vastad päeva jooksul jooksvalt klientide tekkinud küsimustele.

Tegeled SalonLife’i klientide tellimuste täitmisega (nt kui keegi ostab meilt e-poe kaudu Ilukaardi kinkekaardi, siis oleks selle tellimuse täitmine ja pakiautomaati viimine üks pisike osa sinu tööst).

Oled klientidele nende SalonLife’i kasutamise teekonnal igakülgselt toeks, otsides ja jagades nendega nutikaid viise ja soovitusi, kuidas salongide kontosid ja profiile veelgi paremaks muuta.

Lepid huvilistega telefoni teel (video)kohtumiste aegu kokku ja ühtlasi viid neid demosid ka läbi, mille käigus õpetad ilutegijaid SalonLife’i kasutama, valmis seadistama ja sellest maksimumi võtma (ei eelda IT-alaseid teadmisi Sinult ega ilutegijalt!).

Pärast järjekordset edukat tööpäeva patsutad endale õlale, ütled “Tubli töö!” ning lähed pere ja sõpradega Noblessnerisse, kinno või aiapeole õhtut nautima.

Sellises mõnusas töörütmis tegutsedes teenid kuu lõpuks enda pangakontole tänutäheks 2000 € (bruto).


Täida samal lehel kandideerimisvorm (1 min).
Kui tahad eriti silma paista, siis saada meile lisaks endast lühivideo aadressile, kus tutvustad mõnda oma lemmikhobi.

Lühike koduülesanne: kliendi kirjale vastamine (15 min).

Videointervjuu SalonLife’i värbajaga (me kindlasti hammustame, aga kuna intervjuu on videokõne teel, siis ei pea muretsema).

Jess! Esimene tööpäev! 🎉


Kandideerimiseks täida ära see vorm

Sinu varasemad töökogemused (vabas vormis)

Millistes võõrkeeltes Sa end mugavalt tunned?

Kas soovid meiega veel midagi jagada?

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SalonLife makes my life much easier! Very user-friendly app with many useful features and helpful customer support.

Irina Belonogova

Irina Belonogova

Maria Indermitte Make-Up Studio

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I have used 3 different booking systems, and SalonLife is the most convenient one by far. I like that everything is made very simple for me as a beauty pro, and customers like that they can book appointments in their native language. It's great to have the confirmation and reminder texts in Estonian!

Mairis Pitka

Mairis Pitka

Nails By Mairis

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I like the simplicity of SalonLife's booking system and that the online booking flow is quick and easy for clients. I don't have to schedule appointments for my clients anymore! I also like that clients get reminders, and if somebody has left me some information regarding their wishes for the upcoming appointment, I can conveniently see them in the booking notification coming to the email :)

Kertu Tammeleht

Kertu Tammeleht

Maria Indermitte Make-Up Studio

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Extremely simple and convenient to use. If you want to be "all-in" in your business, then SalonLife salon software will help you with this. The client chooses the service and time they like and receives reminders and other important information, which I can conveniently add to any notification or email. I'm more than satisfied!

Reelika Jõe

Reelika Jõe

Pond Beauty Studio

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Very simple and fast booking system 😊👏 Customers are satisfied and me too! 😊 Easy and convenient to use! 👍

Kaia Lumi

Kaia Lumi

Hairdresser Kaia

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I really enjoy using SalonLife. Each client can book a suitable time for themselves, and even if I need to change the order of appointments, I can do it in a few clicks. Reminders to clients are also good! I'm very pleased because SalonLife really makes my salon work more comfortable! 👌

Siret Lätte

Siret Lätte

Nails by Siret

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SalonLife has helped me a lot with getting a new clientele. My current clients also really like a personal reminder, especially during the busy Christmas period. Thank you, SalonLife!

Jane Jaguson

Jane Jaguson

Blooming Beauty Studio

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Hey! Since I'm only a newbie in the beauty world, I heard about online booking software from my colleague who also uses SalonLife. Thanks to SalonLife, I've got a ton of more bookings and clients. Clients praise that it is a convenient solution and can book a time even at night—basically whenever the mood comes 🙂

Age Jürgenson

Age Jürgenson

Backyard Beauty Studio

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It's definitely my best decision to start using SalonLife. Clients can book and cancel their appointments themselves. I no longer need to text clients, so I have more time to be with my family now. I recommend it to everyone 🙌

Triinu Tõugjas

Triinu Tõugjas


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After working over 10 years in the beauty industry, I finally decided to step out of my comfort zone and get rid of my notebook. On the first day, I was skeptical and thought I'd quit it after the trial period. But after diving deeper into it, I got everything working perfectly in just 2 days. I finally know what actual comfort and time-saving is!

Regina Kaur

Regina Kaur

Regina Beauty Studio

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The best salon software! I recommend it to everyone 🤍

Chairi Kroll

Chairi Kroll

Chairi K Beauty and Lash

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I've used the SalonLife service almost for two years now. At first, there was a little fear, as I was used to using my notebook. But very soon after joining Salonlife, that fear was gone. This platform is very convenient for both my clients and me!

Jekaterina Merkuljev

Jekaterina Merkuljev

Jekaterina Nails Beauty

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I've been using SalonLife for 2 years now—I'm very happy with it, and my clients are also satisfied. It's very convenient that clients can book appointments whenever they want! I can't imagine life without a booking system anymore! I'm also very happy with SalonLife's support team; I always get help if there are any questions.

Evelyn Hansberg

Evelyn Hansberg

GlamHair Beauty Salon

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SalonLife's online booking system has made my life easier, as I now have much more free time. I couldn't even imagine anymore that I'd need to offer times to clients and mark them down myself. Also, I can conveniently send invoices to my clients from SalonLife. Thank you!

Stefani Laurits

Stefani Laurits

Cosmetologist Stefani

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A superb program for beauticians. It is extremely convenient to create bookings in the calendar; the software saves time and has frequent updates and new features that simplify my job. I am very satisfied and definitely recommend 💛

Dane Kattus

Dane Kattus


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I can confidently say that I can no longer imagine life without the SalonLife system. SalonLife has made life much, much easier for my clients and me, not to mention tons of new customers, because everyone really likes online bookings, reminders, etc. I am very satisfied and the customers even more!

Keiu Reilent

Keiu Reilent

Keiu Massage

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✨I've been using SalonLife for 3-4 years now and have previous experience with 3 different booking systems. At first, it was a bit weird to say goodbye to my good old paper notebook, but hands down—it has been one of the best decisions ever . It took me hours (after long working days) to keep in touch with my clients and schedule appointments, while trying to avoid creating double-bookings. From my own experience, I can say that none of the previously tried systems have been so beautifully designed, innovative, affordable, rich in features, and user-friendly—both for the customer and the service provider. Moreover, no system has had such friendly and helpful customer support as SalonLife's :) ❤️✨

I also really like the fact that I can book an appointment with other beauticians using SalonLife at any time and match it with my schedule. Although I'm currently on maternity leave, I've received a lot of praise from my clients about the booking software (confirmation and reminder messages, online booking option, etc.), and quite a few mentioned that they were sorry that not every beautician provides it. In the past and now, when I'm at home, I use SalonLife to track my daily activities and tasks—that way, I won't forget anything, and I'll be everywhere on time! :) 👌✨ In addition, several clients thought that I personally texted them reminders every time and were very grateful :) 🙈👌

After starting with SalonLife, the number of no-shows decreased significantly. I also consider it very important to take notes about clients: lengths of the nails, glues, observations, changes, etc., that previously could not fit in the paper notebook behind the client's name are now fitting perfectly to SalonLife. Giving the customers to book times online 24/7 grants a great advantage over other beauticians and salons—not to mention doing it all through SalonLife is a proud and good feeling! ❤️✨

I'm very, very pleased, and I highly recommend SalonLife to all beauticians! :) ❤️✨

Angela Maisla

Angela Maisla


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The implementation of the SalonLife system has definitely been the right decision. Our staff has much more time to spend with their family or on hobbies. Customers love the online system! :D

Kati Uustal

Kati Uustal


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At the moment, I'm mega-satisfied with everything! :) 🙏🏻💞 Everything works as it should, and customers are happy too! :) 🥰

Kairit Kadanik

Kairit Kadanik

The Lash Room

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Thanks to using SalonLife, customers have a good impression of you and recognize your professional approach. They can book an appointment whenever they want, whether you're busy and can't answer their call or not. Also, no-shows have gone to zero.

Evelyn Senkevitš

Evelyn Senkevitš

Makeup & Brows by Evelyn Senkevitš

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Kokku 173 arvustust